Story Mission 1[]
The mission ends after 5 turns have elapsed. Zombies will spawn over the course of the fight, but only if fewer than 5 remain. Reiner is required on this map, and starts with some of his HP missing.
Rewards: Distilled Water x1, Sinewdle Fruit x1
Story Mission 2[]
Corrupted Anadine will appear as a guest. She waits her first turn (unless someone is in melee range), then attacks both allies and enemies indiscriminately; the fight is lost if she dies. Yates appears on the map as a guest, but his survival is not required for victory.
The map starts with lacerating traps on coordinates (4,9) and (8,2).
Rewards: Ammoniac Gum x2, Aloe Leaf x1, Mycoleather x1