Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Warden Kawa
Forest Whispers
Passive 1
Mana Font II
Passive 2
Double Cast
Tap Out
Myconid 4
Mystic 4
Radiant Serum

Champions of nature, these formidable forest guardians embody growth and renewal.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +10% MND, +7.5% HP/DEF/RES when this is the primary variant as well as immunity to WeakenWeaken.
Mana Font II 200 PassivePassive
Character recovers 1 MP with each step taken. Stacks with Mana Font.
Tap Out 200 CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken against the character by reducing the MP of the offender to 0.
Healstorm 250 24 Self All Allies AbilitySpell None
Restores 0.6x to 1x HP to all allies, based on proximity.
Breath of Life 250 28 1-2, Vert. 4 Single AbilitySpell None
Revives an ally on the selected tile and restores 75% HP. Grants RebirthRebirth to the target.
Double Cast 400 PassivePassive
Allows the character to cast two Spells on their turn, but at 75% effectiveness each.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+4, MP+4, MND+5, RES+5, WaterFireEarthThunder+3


Doublecast adds a menu option that allows two spells to be cast - only 50% exp is given for each action. You can choose your second spell (or choose not to take it) after the first spell resolves. The 75% effectiveness only applies to spells that deal damage or heal.
