Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

The Tournament can be entered in Centina.

Each Tournament consists of fights which must be fought consecutively. Between fights you cannot do anything that would require you to go to a new map location: clear injuries, buy gear, recruit characters, etc. Between fights you may do anything you can do before a normal encounter: assign AP, set abilities, change classes, change equipment, etc.

You cannot gather Components from enemies in the Tournament.

After each fight, you may end your run and collect your winnings (see below).

First Tournament[]

The first tournament is available once you complete the Second Temple story mission

5000 Gold entry fee

Level range: 13-19

Three fights. The rewards for beating each fight are (cumulative):

  1. 5000 GP
  2. 10000 GP (for a total of 15000 GP)
  3. Riftwalkers and Phoenix Band

Completing the first tournament, regardless of number of wins, unlocks the Arena.

Second Tournament[]

The second tournament is available once you complete the Immortal Council Chambers story mission

15000 Gold entry fee

Level range: 38-50

Four fights. The rewards for beating each fight are (cumulative):

  1. 5000 GP
  2. 10000 GP (for a total of 15000 GP)
  3. 15000 GP (for a total of 30000 GP)
  4. Valiant Armor, Valiant Helm, Valiant Shield, Coronal Plume, Mythical Leather x2

After successfully completing all 4 encounters in the 2nd tourney, the final tier of equipment will become available in stores, provided you have also completed the story encounter in Mount Nervanzer.
