Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Scout Kawa
Passive 1
Passive 2
Critical: Focus
Deft 4

Quick and maneuverable, these Monsters are trained to give advance warning of impending danger.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +7.5% SPD, +3 EVA when this is the primary variant as well as +2 JumpJump, SwimSwim, and immunity to RootRoot. If the monster can already swim, an additional +1% SPD is granted.
Concentration 150 PassivePassive
Increases Accuracy by 20% when taking offensive actions (Stealing is not affected).
Scout 175 6 Self 13, Vert. 40 Cross AbilitySkill None
Reveals all traps in a 6 radius around the character and grants the character CritUpCRIT Up.
Hindering Hit 200 6 1-3, Vert. 6 Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 0.65x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target and inflicts SlowSlow.
Skirmish 250 PassivePassive
Charater can make another movement of 1 after taking action.
Critical: Focus 200 CounterCounter
Grants FocusFocus to the character when HP is Critical after taking damage. Character also uses Defend and takes half damage from all attacks until their next turn.

Mastery Bonus[]

MP+4, ATK+3, SPD+4, EVA+2

Required For[]

Shadow requires 3 levels of Scout, and 3 levels of Skeletal

Tyrant requires 4 levels of Scout and 6 levels of Pack Leader
