Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

Poaching allows additional crafting components to be gathered when landing a killing blow using particular abilities. The following abilities allow you to poach:

Ability Name Class Description
Collect Pelt Ranger Yields a rare component against a Monster if it lands a kill.
Collect Bounty Assassin Yields a rare component against a Human if it lands a kill.
Collect Trophy Bounty Hunter Yields a rare component against any enemy if it lands a kill.

Boss enemies cannot be poached, nor can spawned enemy (such as Cadavers spawned with Reanimate, or Tangrels spawned in the Occul Riverbed story mission).

Poaching Groups[]

Most Classes and Monsters belong to one of three distinct Poaching Groups. This group determines which component will be awarded when successfully poaching an enemy. If a class or monster is not listed in any of the poaching groups, it will use the Default group instead. Bzil count as the monster of their primary class.

Poaching Group Classes
Fighter Mercenary, Knight, Templar, Duelist, Reaver, Fellblade, Bzzerk, Blardger, Bulldrake, Vangal, Cadaver
Rogue Assassin, Ranger, Scoundrel, Gunner, Peddler, Gambler, Gadgeteer, Kawa, Rakkerjak, Aeoth
Caster Mender, Alchemystic, Sorcerer, Plague Doctor, Wizard, Druid, Warmage, Arpia, Daodrenner, Therva, Pektite, Ercinee
Default All other classes and monsters

Poaching Tables[]

The components received from poaching depend not only on the enemy being poached, but how far along in the story you are. An exception to this is the Ancient Path poaching table, which is only used in the 7 Ancient Path maps. If a unit being poached belongs to multiple entries in a table, it will use the most specific one. For example, Date Tsunymphite would be used over Pektite, which would be used over Caster if you're poaching a Date Tsunymphite.

Note: Despite having an entry in these tables, most Zotzits cannot actually be poached, as they count as "spawned enemies." The only zotzits that can be poached are the 3 Zotzits in a patrol in The Gauntlet, and Bzil with Zotzit as their primary class.

Start of the Game[]

Enemy Loot
Fighter Shellac Powder
Rogue Ammoniac Gum
Caster Catalyst
Arpia Cobbleweed Pod
Plague Doctor Sinewdle Fruit
Default Snakebite Oil

After Highlands Temple[]

Enemy Loot
Fighter Catalyst
Rogue Cobbleweed Pod
Caster Distilled Water
Cadaver Cobbleweed Pod
Therva Aloe Leaf
Arpia Sinewdle Fruit
Default Catalyst

After Jungle Temple[]

Enemy Loot
Fighter Jammy Fruit
Rogue Sinewdle Fruit
Caster Aloe Leaf
Pektite Meteorite
Blardger Aegisite Ingot
Tangrel Sinewdle Fruit
Sorcerer Dragonsblood Sap
Malcubus Energized Crystal
Default Jammy Fruit

After Desert Temple[]

Enemy Loot
Fighter Energized Crystal
Rogue Energized Crystal
Caster Angel Tears
Pektite Meteorite
Cadaver Mycoleather
Tangrel Sinewdle Fruit
Blardger Aegisite Ingot
Bulldrake Cold Iron
Helhund Dormant Crystal
Lich Diamond Thread
Vampire Dormant Crystal
Malcubus Quality Thread
Archafflictor Energized Crystal
Harvester Dark Core
Default Angel Tears

After Mountain Temple[]

Enemy Loot
Fighter Demon Leather
Rogue Mythical Leather
Caster Diamond Thread
Pektite Meteorite
Blueberry/Strawberry Tsunymphite (Tier 3 Pektite) Adamant Ingot
Lemon/Date Tsunymphite (Tier 3 Pektite) Godwood
Cadaver Mycoleather
Manananggal (Tier 3 Cadaver) Dark Core
Tangrel Sinewdle Fruit
Adamantrog (Tier 3 Tangrel) Cold Iron
Blardger Aegisite Ingot
Bulldrake Cold Iron
Helhund Dormant Crystal
Lich Diamond Thread
Vampire Dormant Crystal
Werewolf Energized Crystal
Malcubus Quality Thread
Archafflictor Energized Crystal
Overscourge (Tier 3 Archafflictor) Demon Leather
Harvester Dark Core
Zotzit Coronal Plume
Default Energized Crystal

Ancient Path[]

Note: This table is only used for Ancient Path maps. On any other maps, use the previous table.

Enemy Loot
Fighter Demon Leather
Rogue Mythical Leather
Caster Diamond Thread
Pektite Adamant Ingot
Cadaver Dark Core
Tangrel Gold Thread
Blardger Aegisite Ingot
Bulldrake Quality Thread
Helhund Dormant Crystal
Lich Diamond Thread
Vampire Dormant Crystal
Werewolf Energized Crystal
Malcubus Demon Leather
Archafflictor Demon Leather
Harvester Dark Core
Zotzit Coronal Plume
Mummified Coronal Plume
Default Dormant Crystal