Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability
Element I

Magical creatures embodying the elements. Pektites have incredibly high DEF, making magical abilities your best bet to defeat them. There are 4 different type of pektites (one for each element). Because Pektites heal from elemental damage matching their type, they will frequently include themselves as targets of their spells, causing them to deal damage, heal themselves, and gain a damage boost from their Adaptive Affinity reaction, so be careful when approaching them.


MoveMove: 3 JumpJump: 4 HoverHover

CritCrit: 1% EVA: 1%

Regular Attack has range 1, Vert. 4. Regular attacks have a Damage Type matching the Pektite's elemental version.

Elemental Resistance varies by Elemental version.

Monster Tiers[]

See the Monster Class section for more details on the abilities. Note: "Element I" refers to Water I, Fire I, Earth I, or Thunder I depending on the elemental variant of the Pektite. The same is true for "Element II."

Pektite (Tier 1)[]

  • Active Abilities: Element I
  • Passive Abilities: Amorphous
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Affinity

Slyphite (Tier 2)[]

  • Active Abilities: Element I, Element II, Coalesce
  • Passive Abilities: Amorphous
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Affinity

Tsunymphite (Tier 3)[]

  • Active Abilities: Element I, Element II, Coalesce, Focus Fire
  • Passive Abilities: Amorphous, Elemental Mastery
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Affinity

Elemental Versions[]

The elemental version of a Pektite determines what damage type their spells deal, and what their resistances are.


Blueberry Pektites deal Water elemental damage with their spells. They have the following resistances:

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
150 50 0 -75 0 0


Strawberry Pektites deal Fire elemental damage with their spells. They have the following resistances:

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
-75 150 50 0 0 0


Date Pektites deal Earth elemental damage with their spells. They have the following resistances:

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 -75 150 50 0 0


Lemon Pektites deal Thunder elemental damage with their spells. They have the following resistances:

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 0 -75 150 0 0

Spawn Locations[]

Below is a list of locations which can have Pektites in their patrols. Some spawns depend on which extra enemies Difficulty setting you're using.

Notable Loot[]

After finishing the story mission in Mountain Temple, Blueberry and Strawberry Tsunymphites are guaranteed to drop Adamant Ingots when poached with Collect Pelt or Collect Trophy while Date and Lemon Tsunymphites are guaranteed to drop Godwood when poached. Keep in mind that due to their high DEF, ability to heal themselves with elemental damage, and ability to sacrifice themselves with Coalesce, actually managing to poach them can be quite difficult. Liberal use of Debuffs can prevent them from using their abilities and lower their hp enough to get a kill with the necessary abilities.

Bzil Class[]

This version of Pektite is used for Bzaro and enemy Bzil. This class can be obtained by collecting 5 Pektite Essences, which drop from defeated Pektites while Bzaro is in the party.


MoveMove: 3 JumpJump: 4 HoverHover

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
25 25 25 25 -25 0

Abilities (Jellymancy)[]

Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Water I
Fire I
Earth I
Thunder I
0 8 0-3, Vert. 10 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 1x WaterWater/FireFire/EarthEarth/ThunderThunder (MND) damage in a small area.
Adaptive Affinity 150 CounterCounter
When the character is dealt elemental damage, they gain a buff that increases their own damage output by 0.35x with that Element.
Water II
Fire II
200 14 0-3, Vert. 14 3, Vert. 4 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 1.5x WaterWater/FireFire in a small area.
Earth II
Thunder II
200 14 0-3, Vert. 14 3, Vert. 4 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 1.5x EarthEarth/ThunderThunder in a small area.
Coalesce 250 0 1, Vert. 4 Single AbilitySkill None
Character will sacrifice their life to revive an ally on the given tile, fully restore their HP, and transfer all buffs to them. The character will not suffer an Injury from this.
Amorphous 300 PassivePassive
All attacks against this character are considered to be from the front.
Elemental Mastery 300 PassivePassive
The character ignores part of the target's elemental resistance (if less than 100) when dealing damage of the Fire, Water, Earth, or Thunder damage.
Focus Fire 350 4 0-4, Vert. 8 Single AbilitySkill None
Turns any multi-target Spell that can target others into a single-target Spell that does 0.5x bonus damage.

Mastery Bonus[]

MP+5, MND+10, DEF+10, WaterFireEarthThunder +5


Elemental Mastery does not reduce the target's elemental resistance if it is over 100. If the target has between 0 and 100 resistance, it will lose 50. If the target has less than 0 resistance, it will lose 25. Resistance cannot be brought lower than -150.

Focus Fire can be used with multi-target spells from other Monster Classes, as long as they don't have a range of Self (Canopic Jar from Mummified is also excluded). The range of Focus Fire will override the range of the original spell. Because Focus Fire is a skill, but also requires a spell to be selected, both CrippleCripple and MuteMute will prevent use of the ability.

Adaptive Affinity triggers if you are healed by elemental damage (when you have over 100 resistance to that element), despite the description only referencing triggering on damage. A character with this counter can even activate the counter by including themselves in the area effect of their elemental spells.
