Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

This is a list of passive abilities in the game. The data is up to date as of patch 1.0.2.

Each character can have a total of 4 passives. 2 passives are automatically set from the character's current class, as long as they have spent the AP to unlock that passive ability. The remaining 2 can be selected from any passive the character has learned, regardless of their class. In the Missions and Monsters DLC, monsters can have up to 6 passives, 2 bound to their class and 4 extra bound to their two Variants. In the list below, those only available to Missions and Monsters DLC (either because the character only exists in DLC or because it requires an event in DLC) will have a VangalPupIcon mark in front of it.

Base Classes[]

Passive abilities that can be gained from the 20 base human classes.

Name Class Description
Attack Expert Scoundrel Increases the character's ATK value by 24 + 1*Level.
Blessed One Mender, Niwot Every time the character uses a single target healing Ability on a target other than themselves, they are healed for 0.5x of the amount.
Blood Mark Duelist, Harvester Character gains stacking 0.2x damage bonus from each time they attack the same target they did last turn. Bonus reset upon changing target.
Bloodlust Reaver, Bzzerk Damage dealt increases the lower the character's current HP is.
Boon Wizard, Arpia Upon felling an enemy, the character will be guaranteed Critical Hit on their next action. Boon will wear off at the end of the next turn even if it wasn't used.
Cautious Step Assassin Character is immune to traps as well as to RootRoot, SlowSlow.
Concentration Gunner, Mummified, VangalPupIconScout Increases the character's accuracy by 20% when taking any offensive action (does not apply to Steal Abilities).
Defense Expert Templar Increases the character's base DEF value by 32 + 1.5*Level.
Double Cast Druid, VangalPupIconWarden Allows the character to cast two Spells during their turn, but at 75% power each.
Dual Wield Assassin Character can equip two weapons or two shields at the same time. When using Skills, the attack granted by the 2nd weapon will not apply.
Economy Sorcerer, Archafflictor All Abilities with MP cost have that cost reduced by 1/3.
Elemental Mastery Warmage, Pektite The character ignores part of the target's resistance when dealing damage of the Fire, Water, Earth, or Thunder type.
Eruptor Sorcerer, Helhund Any turn the character does not deal damage, they build a 0.18x bonus to their damage (up to 0.72x). The bonus is used up upon dealing damage.
Evasion Up Ranger, Zotzit Increases the character's EVA value by 13%.
Exploit Weakness Scoundrel, VangalPupIconHorned Increases Critical Hit damage by 50%.
Fortitude Plague Doctor, Vangal Character is immune to Injuries as well as PoisonPoison, BleedBleed, and WeakenWeaken.
Health Expert Mercenary, Tangrel Increases the character's base maximum HP by 25%.
Height Advantage Gunner, VangalPupIconAerial Increases damage done by 0.04x for each height value the character has over the target (max .4x damage).
Initiative Gambler, VangalPupIconSpeedy Character gains a free turn at the very start of combat.
Into the Fray Reaver, Blardger Damage dealt increases by 0.125x to 0.85x for every adjacent enemy. More adjacent enemies means a higher increase.
Item Potency Peddler, Kawa When using an item, it will double the normal potency.
Know Weakness Ranger, Blardger Increases the character's chances of landing a Critical Hit by 25%.
Leech Life Duelist Character's Regular Attacks absorb some of the damage dealt.
Leech Mana Warmage Character's Regular Attack converts some of the damage dealt into MP.
Life Font Knight, VangalPupIconSylvan Character recovers 4 + Level/4 HP with each step taken.
Lucky Gambler, VangalPupIconDeft Character has that extra bit of luck that'll help them succeed in various things during combat.
Malice Fellblade, Malcubus Increases the accuracy of inflicting debuff by 10%.
Mana Expert Gadgeteer, VangalPupIconMystic Character starts combat with 15 MP instead of 0.
Mana Font Mender, Daodrenner Character recovers 1 MP with each step taken.
Mind Expert Druid Increases the character's base MND value by 14 + Level*1.
No Flank Knight All attacks targeting this character are considered to be from the front.
Perfect Focus Gadgeteer, Therva Character deals .32x increased damage/healing with full HP.
Permanence Plague Doctor When the character successfully applies a buff or debuff to the target, it will last 1 more turn than normal.
Quick Fingers Peddler, Kawa Situational commands (such as Open, Gather, Climb, Activate, etc.) do not cost an action to use.
Resilience Templar, VangalPupIconGuard Any debuffs applied to the character will last 1 less turn.
Resistance Expert Alchemystic Increases the character's base RES value by 24 + 1.5*Level.
Side Effects Alchemystic, VangalPupIconMyconid Using an Ability or Regular Attack to successfully apply a buff also restores .3x HP to the target, and a debuff also applies .25x HP damage to the target.
Smart Casting Wizard, Bulldrake Offensive multi-target Abilities will not include allies as possible targets and helpful multi-target Abilities will not include enemies as possible targets.
Sturdy Grip Mercenary Allows the character to hold a melee two-handed weapon in one hand as well as wield a Shield regardless of current Class.
Versatile Fellblade, Niwot Allows the character's Skills and Spells to inflict Critical Hits, and when the character lands a Critical Hit, they regain a portion of their maximum MP.

Special Classes[]

This list contains all passives from character-specific classes, badge classes, and DLC classes, as well as passives unique to monster classes.

Name Class Description
Amorphous Pektite All attacks targeting this character are considered to be from the front.
Arcane Engine Cadaver HP/MP restored beyond maximum is converted to the other type (MP/HP)
Auto-Rebirth Ercinee Character has a permanent RebirthRebirth effect (only once per battle).
Auto-Renew Daodrenner Character has a permanent RenewRenew effect.
Avenger Marked Character gains .2x bonus damage and .125x damage reduction for each fallen ally (up to 3 stacks).
Bat Form Vampire Character transforms into a swarm of bats when moving.
Blood Magic Lich, VangalPupIconFell Character uses HP instead of MP when using Abilities. (2% of maximum HP is used for each point of MP)
Chilling Touch Lich, The Exiled, Cadaver Character's offensive actions have a chance to inflict SlowSlow on the target.
Cleave Lord, Demon Knight, Harvester Character gets another turn after felling an enemy (once per natural turn). MP gained on the extra turn is 0. Does not trigger if the target has RebirthRebirth.
Deathfeeder Mummified Character gains .05x bonus to ATK, DEF, MND, and RES per character that died this battle (max .3x bonus).
Deep Wounds Vangal Character's offensive actions have a chance to inflict BleedBleed on the target.
Double Cast II Princess Allows the character to cast two Spells during their turn.
Equip All Princess, Lord, Spymaster Character is proficient will all weapons and armor and can equip all of them.
Execute Vampire, Marked, Rakkerjak Damage from offensive Abilities is increased by .45x when the target's HP is below half.
Focused Rage Werewolf, Demon Knight, Therva Regular Attacks use all current MP to increase damage dealt by the attack (2.5% bonus per 1 MP).
Hallowed Body Vessel, The Exiled, Ercinee Increases ATK by 20% of MND and MND by 20% of ATK.
Hallowed Mind Vessel, VangalPupIconDrake Character gains a bonus to damage the next turn after using a Regular Attack (.35x for a ranged attack, .45x for a melee attack).
Impetus Bounty Hunter, Helhund SPD increases by .05x each turn, up to .3x.
Know Weakness II Werewolf, Bounty Hunter, VangalPupIconFeral Increases the character's chance of landing a Critical Hit by 25%. (Stacks with Know Weakness).
Legendary Healer Anatomist Healing is increased by .45x.
Mana Burn Malcubus Dealing damage also deals .1x damage as MP damage to the target.
Opportunist Arpia, VangalPupIconReiner Character deals .2x bonus damage for each debuff on the target.
Pain Points Anatomist Damage from offensive Abilities is increased by .45x when the target's HP is below half.
Penumbral Mastery Kyrie, VangalPupIconYates, VangalPupIconCelestial The character ignores part of the target's resistance when dealing damage of the DarkDark or HolyHoly type.
Plague Bearer Archafflictor When using a Regular Attack transfers any debuffs the character is afflicted with to the target.
Shadowstep Spymaster Character instantly crosses the distance between 2 points by stepping into the shadows.
Shifting Target Zotzit EVA increases by 3 each turn, up to 18 total.
Somniloquy Bulldrake At the start of their turn, if the character is asleep, they will deal .65x to .95x (ATK) damage of a random element between Fire, Water, Earth, or Thunder to all enemies on the map, based on proximity.
Stampede Bzzerk, Kairu Damage increases by .1x for each step moved by the character this turn.
Submariner Rakkerjak Damage is increased, rather than decreased, while in Water. Grants the ability to swim.
Sunder Tangrel Character's offensive actions have a chance to inflict DefDownDEF Down on the target.
Switcheroo Kawa Upon defeating an enemy, a Kawa will join the battle (only once per character turn, and only on solid ground).

DLC Classes[]

This list contains all new passives from the Missions and Monsters DLC.

Name Class Description
Auto-Haste Speedy Character permanently has HasteHaste.
Breath Weapon Drake Character's weapon now affects a small cone area instead of a single target.
Challenger Pack Leader Character takes 50% less damage from any single-target damage taken.
Devour Skeletal When character defeats a unit, they restore 20% of their max HP.
Equilibrium Corrupted, Anadine Restores 12% of max HP when most buffs/debuffs wear off or are dispelled.
Ethereal Touch Shadow When using a Regular Attack, character uses 1.2 x MND in place of ATK if the resulting damage would be higher.
Far Sight Mystic Extends the range of all Spells by 1 tile.
Greed Draekon Character's Regular Attacks absorb some of the damage dealt. Character's Regular Attacks convert some of the damage dealt into MP.
Hallowed Body II Celestial Increases ATK by 20% of MND and MND by 20% of ATK. (Stacks with Hallowed Body.)
Hallowed Bulwark Thorned Increases DEF by 25% of RES, and RES by 25% of DEF.
Harrier Aerial Accuracy increases by 2.5% (max 25%), critical chance by 4.5% (max 50%), and debuff chance by 2.5% (max 25%) for every tile the character has moved this turn.
Healing Touch Sylvan Using a Regular Attack on an ally heals them instead of dealing damage and grants RenewRenew.
Inhale Draekon At the end of the character's turn, their weapon's area of effect is expanded (up to a cross-shaped size of 3). This can stack. The weapon goes back to normal once the character performs any action considered a Regular Attack.
Juggernaut Clockwork Damage taken until the character's next turn is reduced by 7% (max 35%) for every tile the character has moved this turn.
Lash Out Corrupted When the character is afflicted with BerserkBerserk, they will not attack allies and their damage dealt is increased by 50%.
Mana Font II Warden Character recovers 1 MP with each step taken. Stacks with Mana Font.
Mauler Horned Any target defeated by this character cannot be revived for the duration of the battle. Does not trigger if the target has RebirthRebirth.
Opportunist II Myconid Deals 20% more damage for each debuff on the target. Stacks with Opportunist.
Owner's Pride Wrangler Whenever an allied Monster falls in battle or defeats an enemy character gains a 10% bonus to their SPD for the duration of the battle, to a maximum to 40%.
Presence Tyrant Character deals 7% bonus damage/healing for every unit afflicted with SleepSleep, BerserkBerserk, or CharmCharm.
Rampart Beastmaster, Guard Enemies' movement will be stopped at tiles adjacent to this character, unless they are already in those tiles.
Razor Wind Samurai, Knifer For an added cost of 6 MP, allows the character to use any single-target Skill with a range of at least 1 as if it had a range of 4.
Relentless Knifer The character's 4 main stats are raised as their HP gets lower.
Retaliation Thorned The character's Counters and ThornsThorns deal 50% more damage. Counters with a duration last 1 turn longer.
Sap Power Skeletal Regular Attacks also dispel all buffs on the target.
Serenity Beastmaster Character gains 3 MP when a pet is dismissed or when most buffs/debuffs are dispelled or wear off.
Shed Skin Fell When a debuff wears off, it transfers to adjacent enemies. When a buff wears off, it transfers to adjacent allies.
Skirmish Wrangler, Scout Character can make another movement of 1 after taking an action.
Strong & Steadfast Tyrant Unit takes 50% less damage from percentage-based damage. Character cannot be displaced.
Telekinesis Shadow Equipped weapons gains +1 Range.
Tool User Deft Character can use Items. Situational commands (like Open, Gather, Climb, Activate, etc.) do not cost an action to use.
Unbreakable Spirit Samurai, Clockwork Every debuff on the character will increase their ATK and MND by 10%.
Vicious Criticals Feral, Katja Critical Hits inflict PoisonPoison, BleedBleed. Also allows the character's skill and spells to inflict Critical Hits (if the character could already do that, Crit chance will be increased by 10%).
Victory Dance Pack Leader, Bzaro Upon defeating an enemy, the character and all adjacent allies will receive 1-2 random buffs, while adjacent enemies will receive 1-2 random debuffs.

Enemy Classes[]

Passive abilities that only enemies have access to.

Name Class Description
Aegis Hide Earthwyrm Damage taken from the front and sides is greatly reduced. Abilities that do not target a direction do reduced damage.
Broodmaster The Maw Damage taken is reduced for every live ally on the field.
Ecdysis The Maw Debuffs on the character only last 1 turn. When they wear off, they transfer to all adjacent enemies. When a Buff wears off, it transfer to all adjacent allies.
Immortal Mind Immortal All Debuffs have 50% less chance to work on this character.
Mana Rush The Maw MP cost of all Abilities becomes 0 when HP is Critical.
Regenesis The Maw Automatically revive with full HP after 3 turns being dead.
Strong Body Noble Demon, Immortal Unit takes 50% less damage from %-based damage.

Extra explanation[]

Leech Life leeches 33% of the damage dealt.

Leech Mana recovers 10% MP from the damage dealt to a maximum of 15MP per target.

Dual Wield does not add ATK stats together when the character makes a regular attack. Instead, the character attacks once per each weapon, each time counting as if the other weapon is not equipped.

Versatile recovers 5% of max MP when landing a critical hit (minimum 5, maximum 15). Despite the description, it works on AbilitySpecial abilities in addition to Skills and Spells.

Lucky increases accuracy, crit chance, EVA, and Steal chance by 5% each. Also increases the likelihood of beneficial outcomes for Wildcards.

Double Cast and Double Cast II reduce Exp earned for each action by 50%.

Boon will not trigger if the target was revived from RebirthRebirth. The buff BoonBoon allows Skills, Spells, and Special abilities to crit, even if the character doesn't have Versatile.

Elemental Mastery does not reduce the target's elemental resistance if it is over 100. If the target has between 0 and 100 resistance, it will lose 50. If the target has less than 0 resistance, it will lose 25. Resistance cannot be brought lower than -150. Penumbral Mastery is the same for Dark and Holy resistance.

Bloodlust provides a maximum of .8x increased damage at the lowest level of HP.

Side Effects healing and damage is added onto the base scaling of the ability/attack. If the ability has no scaling (such as the Alchemystic's Haste spell, which just applies Haste to the target), the healing/damage from Side Effects will be based on the character's MND stat. The healing/damage does not change based on the number of buffs/debuffs applied. The damage from Side Effects cannot kill a target, only bring it to 1 HP.

Into the Fray increases damage by .125x with one adjacent enemy, .32x with 2 adjacent enemies, .55x with 3 adjacent enemies, and .85x with 4 adjacent enemies.

Blood Mark cannot exceed .8x bonus damage.

Health Expert, Hallowed Body and Hallowed Bulwark use base stats for calculating their bonus. They won't include extra stats gained from equipments, other Passives, nor Mastery bonuses.

Chilling Touch, Deep Wounds, and Sunder have reduced odds of inflicting their debuff for each target of an ability. The odds to inflict a status effect are 150%/(n+1), where n is the number of targets. As such 1 target has a 75% chance of inflicting the debuff, 2 targets has a 50% chance, and so on. When paired with Malice, the odds of at least one target being inflicted with the debuff increases by 10% instead of each individual target having a +10% chance of being inflicted with that debuff.

Stampede cannot provide more than a .6x bonus.

Arcane Engine results in 10% of overflow HP being converted into MP.

Execute and Pain Points affect the damage of both Regular Attacks and Abilities, despite the description.

Bat Form and Shadowstep effectively give the unit flight, allowing height and obstacles to be ignored when moving.

Submariner grants a .1x bonus to damage while submerged instead of the .1x penalty which is usually applied.

Focused Rage gives the unit a command to active it, and can be combined with any ability that functions as a Regular Attack. The units MP will not automatically be spent when making a Regular Attack.
