Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Pack Leader
PackLeader Kawa
Head of the Pack
Passive 1
Victory Dance
Passive 2
Evade Attack
Monster 4

These Monsters have displayed battlefield prowess, rising through the ranks of their kind.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +2.5% ATK/DEF/MND/RES when this is the primary variant.
Victory Dance 175 PassivePassive
Upon defeating an enemy, the character and all adjacent allies will receive 1-2 random buffs, while adjacent enemies will receive 1-2 random debuffs.
Power Strike 175 0 Weapon Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 0.8x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target and inflicts AtkDownATK Down.
Mind Strike 175 0 Weapon Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 0.8x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target and inflicts MndDownMND Down.
Evade Attack 200 CounterCounter
Charater always evades any Regular Attack.
Challenger 225 PassivePassive
Character takes 50% less damage from any single-target damage taken.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+4, ATK+2, DEF+5, SPD+2, CritCrit+2

Required For[]

Clockwork requires 4 levels of Pack Leader and 2 levels of Thorned

Tyrant requires 6 levels of Pack Leader and 4 levels of Scout
