Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

Story Encounter 1[]

Level Range: 15-19

Reward: Random crafting materials

This encounter is a simple battle vs various monsters. It introduces Tangrels, which are very defensive, but have a slight weakness to fire. They don't deal too much damage (unless they manage to push you off a high drop), so you can generally wait until the end to take them out.

Story Encounter 2[]

Note: Spawned Tangrels and Knifers cannot be Tamed, and do not reward Essences/AP for Bzaro.

Level Range: 16-19

Reward: Random crafting materials

This encounter has an escape objective, requiring all of your surviving units to be in the exit zone. It's okay if any of your units die (even Kyrie) - you could even win with only a single surviving unit reaching the escape point. Tangrels (and/or Knifers with DLC) will continually drop from the ceiling, so it may be in your best interest to avoid going out of your way to kill enemies and just rush toward the end.
