Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

Katja is a story character in Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. She is a Bounty Hunter and former member of Sigil.

Katja RD
Starting Class
Bounty Hunter/Assassin
Unique Class
Bounty Hunter


Katja will originally appear as an enemy on the second story mission in Yates's Cabin. She will have a gun equipped, and begin the encounter by using Sabotage to teleport to the roof. She shows up again as an enemy in Zzakander Spires, this time with daggers equipped.

Katja is recruited automatically after finishing the story encounter in Strangled Cove. She starts with 4/10 skills learned in Bounty Hunter, 7/10 skills learned in Assassin (including Dual Wield), 4/10 skills learned in Gambler, 3/11 skills learned in Scoundrel, and 2/10 skills learned in Mercenary. She always has access to the Assassin and Gambler classes, even if she lacks the pre-requisites.

Equipment and Stats[]

When recruited, Katja has Longbarrel, Water Shield, Poseur's Hat, Ninja Garb, and Sapphire Earring equipped.

Katja's bonus stats are +3 ATK and -4 MP. These bonus stats are retained if Katja's level is reset.

With Missions and Monsters installed, Katja gains access to the Vicious Criticals passive ability.


The "j" in Katja's name is pronounced like a "y"
