Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Guard Kawa
Passive 1
Passive 2
Monster 5

These Monsters dedicate themselves to defending their allies and disrupting the movements of their enemies.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +5% DEF/RES when this is the primary variant as well as immunity to BerserkBerserk, CharmCharm.
Resilience 175 PassivePassive
Any debuffs applied to this character will last 1 turn fewer.
Protect 200 0 1-4, Vert. 4 Single AbilitySkill None
Character protects a target from taking any kind of direct damage by taking the hit in their stead (will not work for area of effect Abilities if the protector is already a target of the Ability). While active, the character cannot be displaced.
Rampart 200 PassivePassive
Enemies' movement will be stopped at tiles adjacent to this character, unless they are already in those tiles.
Vanguard 200 CounterCounter
Any ally being targeted by an attack that is also targeting this character takes 25% less damage. The amount of damage reduced that way is then applied as healing to this character.
Fleet of Foot 250 0 Self 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySkill None
Grants Fleet of Foot and removes RootRoot around the character. A unit with Fleet of Foot will have increased movement of +1.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+9, DEF+5, RES+4, WaterFireEarthThunder+2

Required For[]

Mystic requires 4 levels of Guard and 3 levels of Sylvan

Thorned requires 3 levels of Guard, 3 levels of Sylvan, and a Thorn Serum.
