Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Specialty Engineering
Starting Ability Gadgets
Passive #1 Perfect Focus
Passive #2 Mana Expert
Counter Absorb MP
Movement MoveMove: 3 JumpJump: 4
Equipment Maul, Mace, Light Armor, Shield
Scoundrel 3
Wizard 3

These tinkers have invented all manner of technological marvels. As long as they have crafted the right tool for the job, they are ready for anything.


7.0 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0



Name AP Type Description
Gadgets 0 Special Use a variety of high-tech gadgets for a versatile arsenal. Gadgets must be crafted or found before they can be used.
Perfect Focus 300 AbilityPassive Character deals 0.32x increased damage/healing with full HP.
Absorb Mana 200 AbilityCounter When character is targeted by an offensive Ability that has an MP cost, they gain the same amount of MP that was used.
Only triggers if the offensive Ability would do damage (rather than healing) to the target.
Mana Expert 500 AbilityPassive Character starts with 15 MP instead of 0.


Gadgets can be crafted in the Crafting menu, or obtained in chests. If you open a chest that contains a gadget you have already crafted, nothing happens. As a result, you may want to avoid crafting any gadgets that can be found in chests to save components.

Once you've unlocked a gadget, it is available for use an unlimited number of times by any Gadgeteer you have, even if that character has spent 0 AP in the Gadgeteer class.

The Gadgeteer is never affected by their own Gadgets, whether they have positive or negative effects.

Name MP Range Area Shape Type Vs. Crafting Components
Springger 6 1, Vert. 2 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Def None (automatically unlocked)
Deals .9x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage and pushes the target away by 1 tile. Depending on the terrain, this could have interesting results.
Impalotron 10 1, Vert. 2 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Meteorite x1, Cold Iron x1
Deals .65x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage that ignores the target's defense.
Harmonizer 12 1, Vert. 4 5, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpecial Def Shellac Powder x2, Cobbleweed Pod x1
Has a 62% chance of inflicting SleepSleep in a large area.
Shockerotron 24 1-2, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Mycoleather x1, Energized Crystal x2
Grants RebirthRebirth to the target. A unit with Rebirth will automatically come back to life after falling in combat.
Speed Generator 18 1-2, Vert. 6 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpecial None Ammoniac Gum x2, Cold Iron x2 or a chest in Zzakander Spires
Grants HasteHaste in a small area. A unit with Haste will get its turn faster.
Demoralizer 8 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Res Aloe Leaf x1, Dragonsblood Sap x2
Inflicts DefDownDEF Down, ResDownRES Down on the target.
Energizer 8 1-2, Vert. 4 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Mycoleather x1, Dormant Crystal x1
Restores 20 MP to the target.
Surpriser-Plus 10 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Res Dragonsblood Sap x1, Cold Iron x1 or a chest in Caravan Trail
Deals .9x Magical (ATK + MND) damage to the target and inflicts WeakenWeaken.
Molecular Infuser 8 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Catalyst x2, Mycoleather x2
Grants AtkUpATK Up, MndUpMND Up to the target.
Reflectotron 4 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Shellac Powder x2, Ammoniac Gum x2
Grants ThornsThorns to the target. A unit with Thorns will automatically reflect some damage back when taking damage from any source.
Absorber-Plus 4 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Res Snakebite Oil x2, Ammoniac Gum x1
Deals .5x Magical (ATK + MND) damage to the target's MP.
Electroconstrictor 8 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Res Shellac Powder x1, Distilled Water x2
Deals .9x Magical (ATK) damage to the target and has a 50% chance of inflicting RootRoot.
Demolecularizer 12 1-3, Vert. 6 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpecial Res Sinewdle Fruit x1, Meteorite x2
Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage in a small area.
Dispelotron 8 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial Res Snakebite Oil x2, Jammy Fruit x1 or a chest in Scarred Summit
Removes all Buffs from the target.
Healbot-3000 10 1-3, Vert. 6 N/A Single AbilitySpecial None Aloe Leaf x1, Jammy Fruit x2 or a chest in Azure Fields
Restores .85x (MND) HP and grants RenewRenew to the target. A unit with Renew will regain some HP every turn.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+2, DEF+5, RES+5


Springger can have additional effects. See push (forced movement).
