Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Feral Kawa
Passive 1
Vicious Criticals
Passive 2
Know Weakness II
Monster 6
Claw Serum

These Monsters may have once been tame, but now they have fully embraced their wild side. Their vicious claws are capable of inflicting devastating attacks.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +7.5% ATK when this is the primary variant.
Howl 175 10 Self 5, Vert. 4 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 1x Magical (MND) damage in a large area around the character and has a 62% chance to inflict RootRoot.
Cripple 175 CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken against the character by inflicting the offender with CrippleCripple.
Vicious Criticals 200 PassivePassive
Critical Hits inflict PoisonPoison, BleedBleed. Also allows the character's skill and spells to inflict Critical Hits (if the character could already do that, Crit chance will be increased by 10%).
Leap 250 8 1-3, Vert. 6 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Character displaces themselves to the target location (cannot be a water tile) and deals 0.75x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage in a small area around them. Cannot be used if there would be no targets.
Know Weakness II 200 PassivePassive
Increases Critical Hit chance by 25%. Stacks with Know Weakness.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+5, ATK+5, MND+3


Vicious Criticals's description is a bit wordy - what it means is that if your character is capable of their skills/spell critting (i.e. they have the Versatile passive from Fellblade or Niwot), their critical hit chance will increase by 10% in addition to all Critical Hits inflicting Bleed and Poison.

Required For[]

Horned requires 4 levels of Feral.

Speedy requires 3 levels of Feral.
