Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability
Holy Chant

Fierce and wild, these graceful beasts protect the forest and all its denizens.


MoveMove: 5 JumpJump: 6

CritCrit: 4% EVA varies by monster tier

Regular Attack has range 1, Vert. 4

Elemental resistance varies by Monster Tier.

Monster Tiers[]

See the Monster Class section for details on the abilities.

Daodrenner (Tier 1)[]

  • Active Abilities: Holy Chant
  • Passive Abilities: Mana Font
  • Counter Ability: None

EVA: 6%

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 25 -25 0 -75 150

Re'em (Tier 2)[]

  • Active Abilities: Holy Chant, Alicorn
  • Passive Abilities: Mana Font, Auto-Renew
  • Counter Ability: None

EVA: 8%

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 25 -25 0 -75 150

Keryneia (Tier 3)[]

  • Active Abilities: Holy Chant, Alicorn, Polestar, Silverhorn
  • Passive Abilities: Mana Font, Auto-Renew
  • Counter Ability: Critical: Quicken

EVA: 11%

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 25 -25 0 -50 150

Spawn Locations[]

Below is a list of locations which can have Daodrenners in their patrols.

Bzil Class[]

This version of Daodrenner is used for Bzaro and enemy Bzil. Bzaro starts with this class already unlocked.


MoveMove: 5 JumpJump: 6

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 25 -25 0 -75 150

Abilities (Holy Beast)[]

Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Holy Chant 0 8 Self 3, Vert. 2 Square AbilitySpell Res
Deals .75x HolyHoly (ATK+MND) damage in a small area around the caster.
Polestar 150 14 Self 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpell None
Grants MndUpMND UP, HasteHaste to the character and all adjacent targets.
Critical: Quicken 200 CounterCounter
Grants the character an immediate turn when HP is Critical after taking damage.
Mana Font 200 PassivePassive
Character recovers 1 MP with each step taken.
Alicorn 250 12 0-2, Vert. 5 Single AbilitySpell None
Restore 1.75x (MND) HP to the target and removes PoisonPoison,BleedBleed,CrippleCripple,MuteMute,SleepSleep.
Auto-Renew 300 PassivePassive
Character has a permanent RenewRenew effect.
Silverhorn 350 24 1, Vert. 5 Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 2.8x HolyHoly (MND) damage to the target.

Mastery Bonus[]

MND+5, RES+5, Holy+10
