Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

Centina is a large city in Teora and is home to a very popular arena. Centina has a Shop and Guild.


"Welcome to the Arena! Here, you can fight a wide variety of opponents for fame and glory!" - In-Game Description

After completing the second encounter in Yates's Cabin, the Centina Arena becomes open for business. Patrols in the Arena are special: the level range automatically adjusts based on which units you deploy. In addition, it rewards 40% more AP and GP than regular patrols. Each patrol has a slightly different Arena layout, for example, one layout has a raised platform to the side where ranged units can attack from.

In addition to Arena patrols, you can compete in the Tournament. See the page for details.

Unlocking Spymaster[]

If you have already crafted Ancient Locket, you can go here to view a cutscene that is part of the quest to unlock the Spymaster class for Reiner.
