Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Celestial Kawa
Divine Inspiration
Passive 1
Penumbral Mastery
Passive 2
Hallowed Body II
Evade Magic
Aerial 3

Champions of the light, these Monsters are infused with holy power.


Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs
Variant Body 0 Variant
Grants +5% RES when this is the primary variant as well as immunity to PoisonPoison, BerserkBerserk, CharmCharm.
Holy Beam 200 12 1, Vert. 2 4, Vert. 2 Line AbilitySkill Res
Deals 0.9x HolyHoly (ATK+MND) damage in a line.
Penumbral Mastery 200 PassivePassive
The character ignores part of the target's resistance (if less than 100) when dealing damage of the DarkDark or HolyHoly type. This can lower resistance below 0.
Hallowed Body II 200 PassivePassive
Increases ATK by 20% of MND and MND by 20% of ATK. (Stacks with Hallowed Body)
White Blades 225 14 1, Vert. 3 2, Vert. 2 Line AbilitySpell Def
Deals 1x HolyHoly (ATK+MND) damage in a line and has a 55% chance of inflicting BlindBlind.
Evade Magic 225 CounterCounter
Charater always evades any offensive Spell.

Mastery Bonus[]

MP+6, ATK+4, MND+4, RES+4, Holy+5


Penumbral Mastery reduces Holy and Dark resist by 50 if it is 0-99, and reduces it by 25 if it's already under 0. It has no effect if resistance is at 100 or more.
