Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability
Siege Ram

A raging armored insect. Normally a slow, lumbering beast... until it charges.


MoveMove: 2 JumpJump: 3

CritCrit: 1% EVA: 1%

Regular Attack has range 1, Vert. 2

Immunity to RootRoot

Elemental resistance varies by Monster Tier.

Monster Tiers[]

See the Monster Class section for details on the abilities.

Bzzerk (Tier 1)[]

  • Active Abilities: Siege Ram
  • Passive Abilities: Stampede
  • Counter Ability: None
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
-50 0 0 50 0 0

Golyat (Tier 2)[]

  • Active Abilities: Siege Ram, Reckless Blow
  • Passive Abilities: Stampede, Bloodlust
  • Counter Ability: None
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
-50 0 25 50 0 0

Khepra (Tier 3)[]

  • Active Abilities: Siege Ram, Reckless Blow, War Shell, Earth Burst
  • Passive Abilities: Stampede, Bloodlust
  • Counter Ability: Shared Rage
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
-50 0 25 50 0 0

Spawn Locations[]

Below is a list of locations which can have Bzzerks in their patrols.

Bzil Class[]

This version of Bzzerk is used for Bzaro and enemy Bzil. This class can be obtained by collecting 5 Bzzerk Essences, which drop from defeated Bzzerk while Bzaro is in the party.


MoveMove: 2 JumpJump: 3

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
-50 0 0 50 0 0

RootRoot Immunity

Abilities (Charging)[]

Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Siege Ram 0 0 1, Vert. 2 1 Charge AbilitySkill Def
Deals 0.85x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target. If the character has a clear straight line to the target, they can travel any distance. Ignores Protect status.
Shared Rage 150 CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken on the character by an adjacent unit by afflicting the offender with BerserkBerserk.
War Shell 150 8 Self Single AbilitySpell None
Grants DefUpDEF Up, ThornsThorns to the character.
Bloodlust 200 PassivePassive
Damage dealt increases the lower the character's current HP is. (0.8x bonus maximum)
Reckless Blow 250 0 1, Vert. 3 Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 1.5x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target, but also damages the character by 1/4 of the damage dealt.
Earth Burst 300 14 Self 5, Vert. 4 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 1.15x EarthEarth (ATK+MND) damage in a large area around the character.
Stampede 350 PassivePassive
Damage dealt increases by 0.1x for every tile the character has moved this turn (0.6x bonus maximum)

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+10, ATK+5, DEF+10
