This will be a general page for all the builds of the game. In order to maintain a semblance of order, please place all edits in the following format:
New Example Build Name[]
Game version: version of the game
Class I / Class II
Passive I / Passive II / Passive III / Passive IV
Equipment (If there is any specific equipment required)
Explanation of build:
Carpet Bomb Combo[]
Game version: 1.6.0 (with DLC)
Spymaster / Gunner + Mummified (Therva is a decent alternative)/ Ericnee
Spymaster: Shadowstep / Equip All / Boon / Initiative + Mummified: Deathfeeder / Concentration / Rampage / Elemental Mastery
Spymaster Counter: Counterattack + Mummified Counter: Adaptive Affinity
Spymaster Equipment: Boost Attack enough to one shot a fodder unit with counter + Mummified Equipment: Everspring, Everspring, Ancient Locket, enough accuracy to hit everyone 100%, boots to boost movement to 6 if possible (I actually had no space since I needed 20 more ACC from equips to hit all Zotzits).
Explanation of build: This team is meant to deal as much damage as possible before the enemy makes a move. I came up with an extended version of this combo to clear Ancient Path - The Gauntlet Patrol (the layout with the Zotzits) before the enemies can even make a move and that became by far the fastest way to farm AP.
Reiner and Bzaro are the two key players, but there are various ways to power up this combo further. The basic combo is to place Reiner and Bzaro next to each other. Reiner should get the first turn with Initiative and he'll cast Focus. Then, use the Exemplar skill from the Spymaster's skill tree to pass Focus onto Bzaro. When it's Bzaro's turn, he will walk as far as possible before using Kamikaze to hit everything for massive fire damage. Rampage + Elemental Mastery makes this attack all far more potent than a regular Focus + Lay Waste combo.
Extension #1: Have someone who can either cast haste or quicken on Reiner and Bzaro to have them take their turns before the enemy.
Extension #2: After Reiner uses Focus, have an extremely weak ally unit (Initiative + Fortitude passives recommended) attack Reiner and hope Reiner gets a one-shot kill with Counterattack. This will grant him Boon to pass to Bzaro in addition to Focus and Bzaro gets a minor stat boost thanks to Mummified's Deathfeeder. At this point, that should be enough damage to one hit clear Ancient Path - The Gauntlet map with Zotzits.
Extension #3: Have another unit use a fire attack on Bzaro before his turn. This will trigger the Adaptive Affinity counter. You can also have the fire attack weaken the person who is meant to be killed by Reiner to activate Boon.
Extension #4: Cast Mass Insight before using Kamikaze for an MND boost that will increase damage.
Ancient Locket on Bzaro will prevent injuries from building up from all those Kamikaze attacks. If there are any enemies that survived, Kyrie is an excellent character to bring since there will already be at least one fallen ally to power up Avenger. The inspiration for all of this came from wanting to field a sacrifice unit that constantly gets revived to power up the Avenger passive.
Mummified was chosen due to having Concentration and a high MND stat. Concentration gives 20 ACC. The magic number to hit all Zotzits in The Gauntlet is 40 ACC. Therva is a decent alternative since it has Perfect Focus and decent enough MND.
Fix Anadine for endgame[]
Game version: 1.6.0
Demon Knight / Samurai
Focused Rage / Cleave / Know Weakness / Leech Mana
Counter: Absorb Mana
Equipment: Reaper/ Valiant Helm/ Soul Armor/ Amethyst Earring/ Rift Walkers+/ Drake Talon (Can replace with Zephyr Locket when you get full class mastery bonuses)
Explanation of build: Anadine in her Demon Knight class (the build is under "Anadine The Reaper (utility)" on this page) is a wrecking ball, for most of the game. However, she becomes really slow in the endgame due to its abysmal speed growth, and she is unable to keep up with other powerhouse builds like the dual wielding warmage. This is a build that fixes Anadine's problems from lategame onwards.
This build reaches 75% crit without the Crit up buff. With the Crit up and Atk up buffs, you can use "Overreach" (1.2x dmg for 6mp) or "Finisher" (2.4xdmg for 20mp) to cull an enemy; this nets you 15 mp from "Mana Leech" and another turn from "Cleave". On your "Cleave" turn, you can choose to further decrease enemy numbers, or attack the next target with "Adrenaline" to make your next turn come 50% faster.
The real synergy that elevates this build is that you can empower "Overreach", "Finisher", and "Adrenaline" with "Focused Rage". The extra damage from "Focused Rage" helps you find kills when the base skill isn't enough, and if you have enough mana saved, you can even find kills with "Adrenaline", allowing you to both decrease enemy numbers and get your next turn faster.
In my testing, this is the only build that does damage on par with or better than the dual wielding warmage, and it gets more turns if you play it right (get about 1/3 of your levels as a Samurai to get more speed). The only thing that feels worse to play is that you need 20mp to use "Finisher", so on any turn you start with 10mp (first turn or enemy drains your mp), you need to find a kill with a 10mp "Overreach" (which is not as hard as it sounds), or you'd have to wait a turn (use "Adrenaline" to get it faster) to get the snowball rolling.
Kyrie for all[]
Game version: 1.6.0
Early-midgame build
Scoundrel -> Ranger -> Gunner -> Assassin/ Knight
Class passive I/ Class passive II/ Execute/ (Flex slot: Attack expert, Leech mana, Economy, Know weakness)
Counter: Absorb mana
Equipment: Highest attack and range bowgun/bow your class can wield
Explanation of build: This is a version of the well-known "ranged one for all build", which allows the character to followup on any allied single-target action with an attack of their own, provided the target is in range. It is very powerful because it effectively doubles up on any attack your other characters do, while costing only a single action. Kyrie is a great candidate for this build because you are often forced to deploy her, and because she gets the "Execute" passive very early, while generic characters have to wait for a blood crest.
The build transitions organically between its stages. In the late game, Once you've unlocked the Assassin's "Dual wield" passive, you can return to Gunner for the lategame build:
Lategame build (Gunner)
Gunner/ Knight
Concentrate/ Height advantage/ Execute/ Dual wield
Counter: Absorb mana
Equipment: Highest attack guns you have available, status ailment resistance gear
Explanation of build: The gunner's low speed is actually beneficial for this build, as it helps you conserve mana. Don't worry about ruining her speed growths though, as you can fix it with the Zephyr locket, or follow my "Kyrie boss shutdown" build once you reach endgame.
Kyrie boss shutdown[]
Game version: 1.6.0
Mercenary/ Samurai
Health expert / Sturdy grip / Razor wind/ Concentrate
Counter: Anything
Equipment: Stunning sledge (DLC, necessary)/ Amethyst Earring (can swap for any bleed resistance)/ Behemoth shield (optional)
Explanation of build: The Stunning sledge delays enemy turns by 33% on regular attack, and the Samurai skill "Adrenaline" hastens your own turn by 50% while counting as a regular attack. Using this build to attack a single enemy means they will never get a turn. It cannot be resisted like the slow debuff; it works on every enemy including the final boss, trivializing them. Combine "Adrenaline" with "Razor wind" for massive range and vertical reach, so that you can shut the boss down turn 1. You can also use it to lock one enemy in place and collect treasures.
The build doesn't have to be on Kyrie, but since you are forced to deploy her on every boss chapter, it's a great fit. The Stunning sledge makes the build, and you need some kind of bleed resistance to avoid the side effect of "Adrenaline". The rest of the build is optional, but keep in mind you need her to stay alive and use skills, so status resistances and bulk are key. You can also swap out Mercenary for Kyrie's personal Marked class if you like the growths better, but then you need to choose between a shield and one of the passives.
The real Warmage : the aggressive way[]
Game version: 1.1.2
Vessel / Wizard
Hallowed Mind / Hallowed Body / Boon / Exploit Weakness
Counter : the evade of your choice
Equipment : Reaper / Cap fo Age / Arbiter Garb / Energy Locket / Battle Locket / the boot of your choice
the Idea of this build is quite simple keeping the boon bonuse active every single turn and trigger Hallowed Mind bonuse on a Locus (keep in mind that the Vessel have strong special skill like Fáfnir or Immortal Soul that you can use instead of a Locus if you have enough MP) every two turns to reach 4.35*MND on a locus
the tricky part is to keep the boon bonuse activated when you'll use a regular attack to activate, the scythe with exploit weakness will deal 2.5*ATK on a crit and with hallowed Body you'll have a descent ATK stat.
and Exploit Weakness will is even more usefull since now, your locus will crit for 200% damages and not 150% (which mean 2*2*1.45*MND => 5.8*MND) for a single locus with the boon and the hallowed Mind bonuse (in a 9 cases area with Immortal Soul and 6.67*MND on Fáfnir if you have enough MP)
The real Warmage : the defensive way[]
Game version: 1.1.2
Vessel / Wizard
Hallowed Mind / Hallowed Body / Mind expert / Attack Expert
Counter : Adaptive ability
Equipment : Del Chliss (if you have the DLC a Glorious Foil will be better, especially against ennemy that are weak to Holy damages) / Cap of Age / Arbiter Garb / Shield of the Six / Energy Locket / the boot of your choice
this is a variant of the aggressive way presented above.
pros : It's safer since you have the Shield of the Six to protect you and you don't need to keep a boon chain active in order to deploy all your damages
cons : Without the boon bonus you'll lose damages (I added Mind Expert and Attack Expert but it's not enough to compensate a crit every turn).
the Idea is simply to alternate your turns between a Regular attack to activate Hallowed Mind and a Locus or any other strong spell to trigger it. since you have the Shield of the Six, I switched the counter ability to Adaptive Ability, if the ennemy doesn't have lot of interesting spell, you can easily trigger it yourself by adding some big area elemental damages in your party (like another Wizard, a Warmage (a normal one, not this uber version that alternate effectively between regular attack and strong spell ^^) or a druid) and include your Vessel in the area of damage.
Game Version: PS4 1.15, in-game 1.4.1 Base Game
Scoundrel / (Ranger/Assassin/Bullet Infusion)
Attack Expert / Exploit Weakness / Boon / Versatile*
“/!\ There may be other options for this. Boon seems to grant your next action critical success regardless of that actions nature save for items and buffs, so Versatile is more about MP building. I still need to test it but that being the case switching it for Initiative, Economy or Cleave may be worth checking./!\”
Counter/Haste/Fleet of Foot/Evade X As you can change up gear and skills after examining your enemies on a map, you can decide whether magic, attacks or skills pose a greater danger. Fleet of foot gives movement bonus which helps get behind enemies.
Equipment: Riftwalkers. As much Movement as you can, at least one set of Plainswalkers. Crossbow. It’s still semi-functional without them but much more devastating with.
Explanation of build: The basic idea is to use Sneak Attack as your regular attack from behind as much as possible until you trigger Boon or have enough mana to use Sniper Shot or Assassinate. Attack Expert functions to boost your damage, Exploit Weakness turns 150% Crits into 200% ones. Using high movement and Riftwalkers to consistently attack from behind or the side increases your basic damage. Once Boon is triggered you can pick off mildly weakened enemies to chain criticals, with a larger enough MP pool versatile will set you up for your high multiplier skill, and even at lower levels it will speed it up by minimizing loss to Sneak Attack.
The biggest issues are getting a Boon Critical chain going and maintaining it, and No Flank. Getting the first kill can be a bit annoying. Initiative can be used to reach an enemy, in some cases, attack it twice and retreat to safety after softening an enemy up. Combining Initiative with Bullet Infusions Focus and a good speed can simulate the damage of a critical. Another possibility is to combine the Ranger abilities Rain of Arrows an Multi-shot to keep the buff and soften other enemies up. No Flank is generally a streak breaker cutting your damage potential in half. With luck you can power through with Sniper Shot or Assassinate. Another possibility is using Sabotage to drown the unit in some cases. In other situations Sabotage works well enough to supplement your movement in the case you can’t get Riftwalkers. Steal Buffs and Collect Bounty can both help deal with rebirth. There is actually one more possible issue. Done right this can end up with one character hogging all the experience, which is not ideal.
The best part is three of the four passives are on classes that are available to everyone fairly on.
Big Skills[]
Game version: 1.4.1
Samurai / Templar or Vampire
Razor Wind / Unbreakable Spirit + Mana Font / Economy
Evade Magic / Evade Skill / "Status Counters" / Absorb Mana / Fleet of foot, anything you want tbh, I especially like the Evades counters for more staying power.
Eternias (for Vampire or Templar) / Soul Eater (For Templar) + shoes to reach at least 6 movements (Essential on the Templar since Righteous Blade is 16 mana with Economy) + immunity to bleed (depending on wether you want the bonus from Unbreakable spirit or not)
I haven't seen a Samurai build so here's one (or two). These are 2 variations of a big skill spammer, aka Night Embrace (NE) or Righteous Blade (RB). With Economy, Righteous Blade is 16 mana and Night Embrace 20 mana and with 6 movements and Mana Font, you can litteraly use Righteous Blade every turn. This build allows for ranged NE or RB with Razor Wind. When you don't have the mana for a big skill, you can either steal it with (a ranged) Soul Suck for the Vampire, Siphon for the Templar or hit Adrenaline and get your next turn really fast as well as applying the bleed debuff on yourself, adding a 10% Atk from Unbreakable Spirit. If you have a -Atk immunity, you can also spam Finisher.
The choice between Templar and Vampire is up to you, Night Embrace is significantly stronger than Righteous Blade but doesn't have the holy element. The Vampire has Blood Nova for some strong ranged AoE + Bleed and Charm. The Templar has a minor Heal, Emboldening Chant (useless if you have Eternias) and Cleansing Blade which is always good.
I suppose this build also works as Samurai / Assassin or Samurai / Werewolf or even Samurai / Ranger, but I haven't tried yet. I feel Assassinate and Blood Trophy are a bit too weak for this build, for we don't have any crit and Sniper Shot might be too expensive mana-wise, but it is something I will try in the near future (maybe with Absorb Mana if Mana font alone is not enough)
The Power Couple[]
Game version: 1.3.5
Sorcerer / Gunner and Gambler / Alchemystic
Sorcerer: Economy / Eruptor / Perfect Focus / Initiative + Gambler: Initiative / Lucky / Economy / Permanence (With DLC) or Mana Expert (Without DLC)
Sorcerer Counter: Adaptive Affinity + Gambler Counter: Any (I use Evade Skill)
Sorcerer Equipment: Darksilk Robe, Ebony Rod, Everspring (DLC), Mind-boosting gear, Accuracy-boosting gear + Gambler: Everspring (DLC), any
At the start of the fight, put the Sorcerer and the Gambler near each other. Have the Sorcerer use the Gunner's Focus ability, while the Gambler uses Mass Haste on themselves, the Sorcerer, and any other party members in reach (it doesn't matter which of them goes first). After the Initiative turn is over, haste will make these characters get their "first" turns very quickly. Have the Gambler use Mass Insight on the Sorcerer, then have the Sorcerer let rip with Darkstorm. This will kill or severely injure almost every enemy on any map before they get their first turn, trivializing nearly every mission. Send in your melee to mop up the survivors while they struggle to heal each other, and fire off another storm a few turns later if they start reviving.
For bonus points, have a third character toss a Dark attack at the Sorcerer before they fire for an Adaptive Affinity boost; this will cause the storm to wipe out all but the toughest enemies. If the enemies on the map resist or absorb Dark (eg any demon), just use whichever element they're weakest to instead (eg holy). You can shuffle your Sorcerer's robe and rod to a different element to get full power, but it's usually strong enough even without it.
Without the Everspring ring from the DLC, you'll also need to have someone toss a Mana Stone at the Sorcerer in order to get to 18 mana for Darkstorm; you'll only have 16 otherwise, which is still enough to use the fire/water/earth/thunder storms.
Pain and Pestilence[]
Game version: 1.2.2b
Mercenary / Ranger
Health Expert / Sturdy Grip / Know Weakness I / Dual Wield
Pestilence, Soul Eater (maxed after 60 kills), Soul Armor (maxed after 60 kills), Drake Talon (and/or any equipment needed to get your Crit to 75% before entering battle; consider Sharp Gauntlet, Cap of Ages, Valiant Helm, etc.)
Use the Ranger's Scout skill on the first turn, thereby boosting your Crit rate to 100%. After doing so, when you use a normal attack you'll always attack twice, do critical damage, and apply all of the four debuffs from Pestilence.
Bane Mercenary[]
Game version: 1.1.2
Mercenary / Fellblade
Sturdy Grip / Health Expert / Known Weakness / Dual Wield
Mystic Shield or Root
Pestilence, Toothed Sword, Soul Armor. Other equipment that favors Crit and shields against status effects.
This is a rather tanky unit that may inflict several status effects at once. The pairing of Pestilence and Toothed Sword does not produce the highest attack output possible for this build; however, regular attacks might inflict up to five debuffs at once with decent attack power. Fellblade's Chaos Slice might inflict up to six debuffs at once, although the attack power is much less than regular attacks. A maxed-out Soul Armor compensates for the Mercenary's lack of speed and low evasion. Overall, a great unit for debuffing and crowd control, which pairs really well with units such as another Fellblade using Health Syphon or a Gambler using Pile on.
Arcane Archer[]
Game version: 1.0.3
Ranger / Warmage
Know Weakness I / Evasion Up / Know Weakness II / Versatile
Evade Magic
Dominance (crafted bow) Glasses if extra accuracy is needed. Use equipment that increases Crit until you hit 100%.
Nearly every shot will be a hit, and every hit will be a critical, bringing extra mana. That mana will allow you to alternate infused Pulsars and Sniper Shots, which means that on the even turns you will be doing (ATK + 2.1 MND) x 1.5, i.e. 4.65 damage, and on the odd turns, 3.8 ATK x 1.5, i.e. 5.7 ATK damage.
With a character leveled in Warmage, very few enemies will survive that, even if you play with increased enemy stats.
Game version: 1.0.2
Equip All/Cleave/Dual Wield/Leech Mana
Evade Magic
God's Messenger/Guardian Sword/Cap of Ages/Soul Armor (Stacked)/Amethyst Earring/Phoenix Band
This build takes a lot of resources; using some of the most valued items in the game. It is worth it. This class is a one-shot on pretty much everything it comes across. This specific build focuses on the physical side of the Warmage because there is far more scaling on that side (1x + 1x + 1.15x) vs Magic (2.1x). THis build reaches fairly decent critical rates which makes the double autos of Infused Edge all the more valuable while also ensuring that enough mana is being stolen via Leech Mana to ensure use on any and all spells. This build ends with the character having a default buffs of ATK UP/MND UP/DEF UP/RES UP/THORNS/HASTE/REBIRTH and full status/magic immunity. This unit pairs exceptionally well with Gambler and Princess support classes for use of quicken to provide extra turns.
Game version: 0.9.4
Gambler / Warmage
Initiative / Lucky / Leech Mana / Smart Casting
Lance, shield, boots, battle claw
Its great mobility and jump combined with a good set of boots make most enemies easy to reach. Moreover, the extended reach of the lance with the added power of infused edge makes this build deliver high damage and elemental damage, even in a crowded field. Use elemental bursts without fear of hurting your allies thanks to smart casting. Lastly, since infused edge counts as a regular attack, this build recharges mana with every hit.
Peerless Assassin[]
Game version: 0.9.4
Werewolf / Assassin
Focused Rage / Know Weakness II / Dual Wield / Know Weakness
Favor Equipment that increases critical
This build is made to be out in the front lines causing havoc. This build focuses on regular attacks. It may use swords or knives that apply debuffs, and also a set of boots. Great damage output and the ability to avoid attacks with mirage.
Rabid Wolf[]
Game version: 0.9.4
Werewolf / Fellblade
Focused Rage / Know Weakness II / Know Weakness / Exploit Weakness (Chilling Touch)
Absorb Mana
The goal of this build is to utilize the fact that slices count as regular attacks and critical hits always apply debuffs. Leading with Werewolf is required to fit Exploit Weakness into the build while getting both Know Weakness and Know Weakness II. In this variant of the build, dual knives is used to attempt to apply three debuffs with every slice. This pairs very well with any class that benefits from debuff application (Gunner or another Fellblade) and is excellent at debilitating single targets. This will not hit as hard as the sword/Exploit Weakness version, but the extra debuff and speed can be well worth it. A variation of this build available later in the game trades Exploit Weakness for Chilling Touch. With the recent buff to Chilling Touch causing it to apply on skills as well, this adds a potent and consistent debuff to all of your aggressive actions, even ones like Black Blade.
Blood Moon[]
Game version: 0.9.4
Werewolf / Fellblade
Focused Rage / Know Weakness II / Know Weakness / Dual Wield
Absorb Mana
x2 Knives
The goal of this build is to utilize the fact that slices count as regular attacks and critical hits always apply debuffs. Variant of Rabid Wolf. Werewolf is our lead class to allow for both Know Weakness and Know Weakness II with a slot remaining for Dual Wield. Double Knives allows for high speed and a chance to inflict three debuffs every turn.
Rapid-Fire Gunner[]
Game version: 0.9.3
Vampire / Warmage
Execute / Bat Form / Dual Wield / Attack Expert
Evade Magic
Preferred Weapon:Gun
A build focused the interaction between Dual Wield and Infused Edge to deal massive amounts of damage by effectively being able to attack 3 times per turn while also having good range due to using a gun. Attack Expert means that a single gun has about the same damage as a sturdy grip two handed weapon. While this combo is usable with a vast number of other classes and weapons my preference in the end settled on Vampire due to its excellent growths, both passives being useful, and being able to use guns. Due to Evade Magic, Magic focused classes are mostly powerless (Unlike Evade Skill where skill users generally still have useful regular attacks) Due to all the various classes being used as well as a badge this is a late game build. In general you will have a rhythm cycling between regular attacks and infused edge+elemental burst but using other spells to gain just enough damage or drain health/mp can occur as well.
Rapid-Fire Gunner (Rally)[]
Game version: 0.9.3
Lord / Warmage
Execute / Equip All / Cleave / Attack Expert
Evade Magic
Preferred Weapon: Gun
Variant of the Rapid-Fire Gunner which trades in the mobility of Bat Form to gain a number of useful support abilities such as rally. In a team composition the Lord preferably receives a mana stone to be able use rally on turn 1 for most of the party.
Rapid-Fire Gunner (One for All)[]
Game version: 0.9.3
Vampire / Knight
Execute / Bat Form / Dual Wield / Mana Font
Evade Magic
Preferred Weapon: Gun Enough +Movement gear to reach 6 movement
Another variant on the Rapid-Fire Gunner, this time with the generic combo of a long ranged weapon and one for all to add 2 gun attacks to all single target attacks from other characters. The combination of Bat Form and Mana Font should guarantee that you always have enough mp to use One for All.
Anadine The Reaper (utility)[]
Game version: 0.9.3
Demon Knight / Assassin or Templar or Knight
Cleave / Focused Rage + (Sturdy Grip or Leech Mana) / Dual Wield
Counter: Counterattack
Preferred Weapon: 2x Scythes
This build focuses of regular attacks with Scythe and is extremely OP vs anything that isn't immune to regular attacks (Evade Melee) or have very high defense. The second class is only there for utility so it can be whatever you want, I personally go with Assassin for the poaching ability.
Another version of this build use Leech mana instead of Sturdy Grip, the idea is to use Leech Mana to power up Focused Rage. since you lose Sturdy Grip you have to trade your doubles scythes for a double axes but that doesn't mean you lose damages (Reaper + Day's harvest is 296 ATK 16 MND 7 CRT and a 62% chance to bleed when double Cry Havoc is 284 ATK and 6 CRT, the loss of bleed isn't realy problematic since you'll probably one shot most of your ennemies and the -12 ATK -16 MND and -1 CRT is highly compensated by the damage boost from Focused Rage (with dual wield and leech mana, focused rage can give you up to +100% damages on your first attack)) the real problem is the loss in defense since it cost you -48 DEF. I'd say it's a matter of preference, with Leech Mana she'll tank a bit less but deal a lot more damages.
Deadly Double Dodge[]
Game version: 1.0.3
Assassin class (5%) / War Mage
Dual Wield / Cautious Step + Evasion Up (13%) / Lucky (5%)
Counter: Counter Attack.
Preferred Equipment = 2x Main Gauche (12%*2), Flash Cap (4%), Gremlin Treads (1%), Arbiter Garb (3%), Exo Gauntlets (3%). Not using any unique equipment.
Add in Scoundrel, Ranger, and Assassin mastery bonuses and you get 61% evasion, which will let you charge straight at the enemy, while the double infuse blades allow to you do plenty of damage.
Note: The cap on EVA is 50%, so this build has excess EVA. The Knight passive "No Flank" can be subbed in to give positional consistency against physical attacks
Gave version: 1.1.2
/!\ This build is quite long to reach, you'll need to master a few classes and reach a high level amount of mana /!\
Ranger / Warmage
Know Weakness / Evasion UP / Know Weakness II / Versatile
Dominance / Arbiters Garb or Shining mail / Cap of Ages (you can take Arbiter's cap but it will make this build harder to reach) / Drake Talon / Zephyr Locket / Amethyst Earring
Okay, with this equipement, you're at 90% crit chance (88% if you took arbiter's cap) and you need to reach 100% there's 6 classes that give you 2% crit chance if you have mastery, pick 5 and start grinding (you need to pick all 6 of them if you took arbiter's cap) the 6 classes are Scoundrel, Gambler, Fellblade, Reaver, Assassin, and Werewolf (you'll need passive ability from the Werewolf and the Fellblade so I suggest you pick those two at least).
And now, you have 100% crit chance, you can crit on your skills and spells, you gain 5% of your mana when you hit a crit and you're imune to anything (but especially to root, it's important) => Sniper Shot deal 3.8*ATK a crit deal 150% damage, a sniper shot crit will deal 5.7*ATK (that's a lot) and won't root you thanks to the Amethyst Earring.
Now that you have a huge damage skill, you want to cast it often, sadly you can't do better than once every two turns starting from the third turn of the fight.
first thing first, you need to reach 300 base mana so Versatile will give you 15 mana each time you crit. The best class to do it is obviously the Vessel since it's the best mana growth of the game with 7 mana per level. It's growt in ATK and MND is interesting too since the build both pysical damages and magic damages but when you reach 300 I suggest you switch to Fellblade whitch have a better growth in ATK with still a good growth in MND because even if you'll use both stats, you'll use way more ATK than MND.
and now infused edge + any bolt deal 1.5*ATK plus 1.8*MND (-4 MP from Infused Edge -6 MP from the bolt +15 MP from the crit on the attack +15 MP from the crit on the bolt +10 MP at the start of your next turn, you'll start your next turn with 30 MP) - a turn of Infused Edge + a Bolt is overall a +30 MP for the next turn
that's still not enough for the big sniper shot so you'll have to take another turn of infused edge but you can now infuse it with Pulsar for 3.15*MND (-4-18 MP from the cost +30 from versatility +10 at the start of your next turn, you'll start your third turn with 48 MP) - a turn of Infused Edge + Pulsar is overall +18 MP for the next turn
now you have enough to finally use Sniper Shot (-36 Mp from the skill +15 from the crit +10 at the start of the next turn you'll have 37 MP on turn 4) - a turn of Sniper Shot is overall -11 MP for the next turn
from now on you can one shot everyone with Sniper Edge and use Infused Edge + Pulsar to regain MP every time you don't have enough MP for sniper shot