Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability
Whirling Blow

A hulking troll-like creature that is never seen without its bindle stick. Who knows what's in the bag, but whatever it is, it doesn't smell too good...


MoveMove: 4 JumpJump: 4 SwimSwim

CritCrit: 3% (Effectively 28% with the Know Weakness passive ability), EVA: 1%

Regular Attack has range 1, Vert. 5

Immunity to BlindBlind

Elemental resistance varies by Monster Tier.

Monster Tiers[]

See the Monster Class section for details on the abilities.

Blardger (Tier 1)[]

  • Active Abilities: Whirling Blow
  • Passive Abilities: Into the Fray
  • Counter Ability: None
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 0 -25 0 0 0

Belzebindler (Tier 2)[]

  • Active Abilities: Whirling Blow, Snack Stash, Focus
  • Passive Abilities: Into the Fray, Know Weakness
  • Counter Ability: Thrash
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 0 -25 0 25 0

Desmogr (Tier 3)[]

  • Active Abilities: Whirling Blow, Snack Stash, Focus, Massive Hit
  • Passive Abilities: Into the Fray, Know Weakness
  • Counter Ability: Thrash
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 0 -25 0 25 0

Spawn Locations[]

Below is a list of locations which can have Blardgers in their patrols.

Bzil Class[]

This version of Blardger is used for Bzaro and enemy Bzil. This class can be obtained by collecting 5 Blardger Essences, which drop from defeated Blardgers while Bzaro is in the party.


MoveMove: 4 JumpJump: 4 SwimSwim

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
50 0 -25 0 0 0

BlindBlind Immunity

Abilities (Smash!)[]

Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Whirling Blow 0 0 Self 3, Vert. 2 (Whirling Blow) Cross/Single AbilitySkill Def / None
Deals 0.95x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage in a small area around the character. /
Snack Stash Character gains 2 random buffs.
Know Weakness 150 PassivePassive
Increases the character's chances of landing a Critical Hit by 25%.
Thrash 150 CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken on the character by an adjacent unit with Whirling Blow.
Focus 200 6 Self Single AbilitySkill Res
Character is granted FocusFocus. On the next character's turn, any action taken (other than items) uses focus up and deals double damage/healing. Focus will wear off even if not used.
Into the Fray 300 PassivePassive
Damage/healing dealt increase by 0.125x to 0.85x for every adjacent enemy. More adjacent enemies means a higher increase.
Massive Hit 350 16 1, Vert. Weapon Single AbilitySkill Def
Deals 1.75x PhysicalPhysical (ATK) damage to the target.


Thrash deals 1.2x damage, instead of the normal .95x from Whirling Blow.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+10, ATK+10, DEF+5
