Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability

A member of the demonic nobility caste that spreads corruption to everything around it.


MoveMove: 3 JumpJump: 4 HoverHover

CritCrit: 1% EVA: 1%

Regular Attack has range 1, Vert. 4

Immunity to PoisonPoison, BerserkBerserk, SleepSleep, SlowSlow

Elemental resistance varies by Monster Tier.

Monster Tiers[]

See the Monster Class section for details on the abilities.

Archafflictor (Tier 1)[]

  • Active Abilities: Vilerot
  • Passive Abilities: None
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Aegis
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 50 25 -50 100 -75

Pestilord (Tier 2)[]

  • Active Abilities: Vilerot, Miasma, Infestation
  • Passive Abilities: Plaguebearer
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Aegis
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 50 25 -50 100 -75

Overscourge (Tier 3)[]

  • Active Abilities: Vilerot, Miasma, Infestation, Plaguestorm
  • Passive Abilities: Plaguebearer, Economy
  • Counter Ability: Adaptive Aegis
Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 50 50 -25 100 -75

Spawn Locations[]

Below is a list of locations which can have Archafflictors in their patrols.

Bzil Class[]

This version of Archafflictor is used for Bzaro and enemy Bzil. This class can be obtained by collecting 5 Archafflictor Essences, which drop from defeated Archafflictors while Bzaro is in the party.


MoveMove: 3 JumpJump: 4 HoverHover

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 50 25 -50 100 -75

PoisonPoison, SleepSleep, BerserkBerserk, SlowSlow Immunity

Abilities (Affliction)[]

Name AP MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Infestation 0 10 1-3, Vert. 6 3, Vert. 3 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Deals 0.55x DarkDark (ATK) damage in a small area. Damage increases by 0.55x for each debuff the target is inflicted with.
Adaptive Aegis 150 CounterCounter
When the character is dealt elemental damage, they gain a buff that increases their resistance to that Element (They only gain protection to the last Element they were damaged with).
Vilerot 175 12 0-3, Vert. 10 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySpell Res
Deals 0.7x DarkDark (MND) in a small area and has a 33% chance of inflicting PoisonPoison, BlindBlind, and BerserkBerserk.
Miasma 200 4 0-2, Vert. 7 3, Vert. 3 Square AbilitySpell Res
Deals 0.6x Magical (MND) damage in a small area and spreads any debuff from the center target (if any) to other targets in the area.
Plaguebearer 200 PassivePassive
When using a Regular Attack, unit transfers any debuffs they are afflicted with onto the target.
Plaguestorm 350 26 Self All enemies AbilitySpell Res
Deals 0.6x to 1x Magical (MND) damage to all enemies on the map, based on proximity. Has a 62% chance of inflicting a random debuff.
Economy 450 PassivePassive
All Abilities with an MP cost have that cost reduced by 1/3.

Mastery Bonus[]

HP+5, MND+5, RES+5, Dark+5
