Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki

Unlocked By[]

  1. Complete the story encounter in Mount Nervanzer near the end of the game
  2. Go to Oldebzar to get a cutscene
  3. Visit the Ancient Path location on the world map


The Ancient Path is represented as a single node on the world map, but it is actually comprised of 7 individual maps. The story encounter in each must be completed in order to progress to the next map. Each of these maps also feature 2 different patrols, allowing you to make use of the treasure the maps reward you with.

  1. Claret Woods
  2. Screwworm Swamp
  3. Decaying Depths
  4. Fetid Depths
  5. Infernal Depths
  6. The Gauntlet
  7. Ancient Tomb

Stealing Tables[]

For an explanation on how to read stealing tables, see the Stealing page.

Table 1[]

This table is used in Claret Woods and Screwworm Swamp

Enemy Steal List 1 Steal List 2
Default Cold Iron, Dark Core, Quality Thread, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread N/A
Fighter Cold Iron, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread N/A
Rogue Quality Thread, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread N/A
Caster Dark Core, Aegisite Ingot, Demon Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread N/A
Aeoth Mythical Leather, Dark Core N/A
Ercinee Mythical Leather, Gold Thread N/A

Table 2[]

This table is used in Decaying Depths, Fetid Depths, and Infernal Depths

Enemy Steal List 1 Steal List 2
Default Quality Thread, Dark Core, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Quality Thread, Dark Core, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Adamant Ingot, Godwood
Fighter Demon Leather, Coronal Plume, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Adamant Ingot, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread
Rogue Demon Leather, Coronal Plume, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Adamant Ingot, Godwood, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread
Caster Demon Leather, Dark Core, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Dark Core, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread, Godwood
Aeoth Mythical Leather, Dark Core N/A
Ercinee Mythical Leather, Gold Thread N/A
Blardger Demon Leather N/A

Table 3[]

This table is used in The Gauntlet and Ancient Tomb

Enemy Steal List 1 Steal List 2
Default Quality Thread, Dark Core, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread, Godwood Quality Thread, Dark Core, Demon Leather, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Platinum Thread, Gold Thread, Godwood
Fighter Demon Leather, Platinum Thread, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Adamant Ingot, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread
Rogue Demon Leather, Platinum Thread, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Adamant Ingot, Godwood, Mythical Leather, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread
Caster Demon Leather, Dark Core, Platinum Thread, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread Demon Leather, Dark Core, Diamond Thread, Gold Thread, Godwood
Aeoth Mythical Leather, Dark Core N/A
Ercinee Mythical Leather, Gold Thread N/A
Vangal Coronal Plume N/A

Poaching Table[]

Ancient Path maps use a unique Poaching list.

Enemy Loot
Fighter Demon Leather
Rogue Mythical Leather
Caster Diamond Thread
Pektite Adamant Ingot
Cadaver Dark Core
Tangrel Gold Thread
Blardger Aegisite Ingot
Bulldrake Quality Thread
Helhund Dormant Crystal
Lich Diamond Thread
Vampire Dormant Crystal
Werewolf Energized Crystal
Malcubus Demon Leather
Archafflictor Demon Leather
Harvester Dark Core
Zotzit Coronal Plume
Mummified Coronal Plume
Default Dormant Crystal