Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Wiki
Signature Ability

A living mortar, this giant immobile demon can fire an incinerating barrage from great distances. But there's a delay between when the barrage is fired and when it makes landfall, so targets would be well advised to get out of the way (or, if they're clever, even push enemies into the drop zone).



MoveMove: 0 JumpJump: 0

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 150 -50 50 0 -50

CrippleCripple, CharmCharm, BerserkBerserk Immunity

Regular Attack has no range, effectively making this monster unable to use regular attacks.

Abilities (Obliteration)[]

Name MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Barrage I 0 1-15, Vert. 60 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Deals 2x FireFire (ATK) damage in a small area from a very long distance. The attack will land in the designated area next turn and bypass all Counter Abilities. Cannot be evaded.
Barrage II 20 1-15, Vert. 60 5, Vert. 3 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Deals 2x FireFire (ATK) damage in a large area from a very long distance. The attack will land in the designated area next turn and bypass all Counter Abilities. Cannot be evaded.
Slow CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken on the character by afflicting the offender with SlowSlow.
Steadfast PassivePassive
Character cannot be displaced.
Impetus PassivePassive
SPD increases by .05x each turn, up to .3x.

Abyssal Aeoth[]


MoveMove: 0 JumpJump: 0

Water Fire Earth Thunder Dark Holy
0 50 25 -25 150 -50

CrippleCripple, CharmCharm, BerserkBerserk Immunity

Regular Attack has no range, effectively making this monster unable to use regular attacks.

Abilities (Obliteration)[]

Name MP Range Area Shape Type Vs.
Barrage I 0 1-15, Vert. 60 3, Vert. 2 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Deals 2x DarkDark (ATK) damage in a small area from a very long distance. The attack will land in the designated area next turn and bypass all Counter Abilities. Cannot be evaded.
Barrage II 20 1-15, Vert. 60 5, Vert. 3 Cross AbilitySkill Def
Deals 2x DarkDark (ATK) damage in a large area from a very long distance. The attack will land in the designated area next turn and bypass all Counter Abilities. Cannot be evaded.
Slow CounterCounter
Counters any offensive action taken on the character by afflicting the offender with SlowSlow.
Steadfast PassivePassive
Character cannot be displaced.
Impetus PassivePassive
SPD increases by .05x each turn, up to .3x.


Barrage abilities will telegraph their attack area when the Aeoth uses the ability. It will land on the Aeoth's next turn, damaging anyone caught in the area of effect. If the Aeoth is killed before the Barrage lands, it will still land when the Aeoth would have taken its next turn. You can review the area of effect of any Barrage effect by holding down the details button while navigating the map.

Steadfast prevents the Aeoth from being pushed or swapped with other units. Effectively that means an Aeoth cannot be moved from its starting position.

There is no Bzil Class version of the Aeoth. Its abilities also cannot be replicated with Doppelganger or Mirror Trick from Spymaster.
